Dysfunction Like an Adult

A guide to adulting for all of us that aren't perfect.

Category: The Many Ways to Dysfunction

Appropriate Dysfunctioning

You Decided to Drink Before Work Tomorrow

Hello, dears! Welcome to my first dysfunctioning post. None of that sappy stuff today. I’m going to try to work out a regular schedule at some point, but for today, no! I think that a solid format for these posts will involve if you’ve had time to plan for these decisions, or if these choices […]

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My Struggles

The Reason for the Things

Hello, world! -or something to that effect. So Home Base has a blurb about the point of this blog, but I decided that my first post will be a more in depth explanation. I’ve spent my life grappling my disorder. I’ve spent my adult life grappling with not having it together. I have spent years […]

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