Dysfunction Like an Adult

A guide to adulting for all of us that aren't perfect.

Home Base

Welcome! Welcome to my stumbles, pitfalls, and the half-solutions that follow! I’ve spent a lot of time not being a “functional adult” and having that make me feel like a failure. It’s pretty hard to keep it together when everything you were taught about keeping it together is out of the scope of who you are. So, I figured I would tell my weird purist idea of functionality to go hang itself, and thus was born my life guide on how to dysfunction like an adult.

While the site is a baby: above you see the tabs for two categories. One tab is all the posts that are for dysfunctioning that are strategies and advice, while the other is for things I may be going through personally. On the sidebar you can click on the page Just In!!! to see the most recent posts. I am going to make a third category for the heavy lifting posts – and the reason recent posts aren’t just on the main page is because of the heavy lifting posts. I want to respect everyone and what they have gone through, and some of the posts could be triggering in nature. So Just In!!! will remain a sidebar page for those who do want to see ALL THE POSTS.

Now, carry forth and: